Lokale infectie - Periorbital cellulitis - Blepharochalasis – An immune-mediated inflammation of the eyelid Improper functioning of the tear glands Allergies – leaks in the subcutaneous capillary beds Interne ziekten - Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism - Nephrotic syndrome - dermatomyositis Veneuze obstructie - Cavernous sinus syndrome - Superior vena cava obstruction Infectie - Mononucleosis - Chagas disease: Romaña's sign: unilateral, painless, periorbital edema - Trichinosis Fluid retention - pregnancy - hormonal variations with menstruation Gedrag - sleep deprivation - much dietary sodium - alcohol and tobacco use - Crying – The salt in tears may cause fluid retention in the eye area Normal aging Orbitale tekenen of vergroting traanklieren - orbitale tekenen: proptose, verplaatsing oog, atrofie opticus, bewegingsbeperking oog, chemosis, ptosis - CRP - MRI orbita: massa - overweeg biopt Unilateraal - traumatisch, conjunctivitis, hordoleum? --> nee: MRI Bilateraal - acuut: trauma, contact allergie, conjunctivitis? - chronisch: MRI - LAB: TSH, kreat/alb/eiwit urine, BB, leverproeven/HCV-serologie, systeemziekte: CRP/BSE/ANA/ACE/ANCA/lysozyme, medicatie, VDRL, FTA-AB - biopt