From: Heer, Koen de To: Heer, Koen de Flags: seen Date: wo 27 sep 2017 18:08:42 CEST Maildir: /mailf/INBOX euthyroid benign goiters (<80 mL): monitoring 1x/jaar: grootte, TSH very large goiters (>80 to 100 mL) or goiters that continue to grow surgery hypothyreoidie injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerves: 2-9% trachea: 3% parathyroid glands: 7% radioiodine therapy alternative: poor surgical candidates, patients wish hypothyreoidie reduction in thyroid volume only moderate: 30-60% recidiefkans groot ca niet uitgesloten tijdelijke toename not TSH suppressive therapy: efficacy minimal, potential long-term side effects hyperthyreoidie eerst 1 jaar spontane remissie afwachten: block-and-replace if wish to defer ablative therapy: can be continued for prolonged periods 0,1 - 0,5% agranulocytose, meestal eerste maanden 1997: analyse, 49 gevallen van hepatotoxiciteit, 1:10.000 vasculitis pancreatitis insulinoom definitive therapy radioiodine lower complication rate than surgery preferred as definitive therapy except in >=moderate orbitopathy development or worsening of Graves' orbitopathy isolatie herhaling nodig of overdosering thyroidectomy unpopular being selected by only 1 percent of thyroid specialists indicated pregnant women who are allergic to antithyroid drugs allergies / poor compliance on drugs but refuse radioiodine coexisting suspicious or malignant thyroid nodule primary hyperparathyroidism obstructive goiter or a very large goiter